10 Commandments for Sensitive Skin

10 Commandments for Sensitive Skin

10:00 PM

Let me just reiterate how ridiculously sensitive my skin is. Hence, I tend to experience skin breakouts from time to time. Here are ten tips that could help girls like me.

1. Always wash your face before you go to bed.
2. Find a decent makeup remover.
3. Remove makeup before working out and before going to sleep.
4. Switch to organic shampoo. In my case, certain hair products trigger allergies on my forehead.
5. Use products that are hypoallergenic. Also, select facial products that are gentle to the skin. I use Cetaphil.
6. Don't swim in pools. I recently found out that too much chlorine also causes my skin to breakout.
7. Select a decent acne lotion which you can apply before you go to bed to avoid breakouts.
8. Visit your dermatologist to get professional advice as to what is good for your skin.
9. Change your sheets, pillowcases, curtains and towels regularly.
10. Drink lots of water. Water helps flush the toxins away.

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