
Fitness Diary No. 2

7:13 PM

The importance of cooling down after every workout
It has been one month since I started eating healthy. A month since I started working out intensely again. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

The past month has not been very easy. Except for Sundays (my designated cheat day), I try my best to resist good food for lunch and dinner, sticking to my salads and veggies. Of course, on my first month of dieting, there have been times when I have fallen off the wagon. There are times when I give in to my craving for chips and sweets. I am only human after all. :) 

Unfortunately, it is also around this time that I start PMSing. Of course, sugar cravings would be pretty intense in the next coming days. I have to admit that during these times, I give in to temptation. Otherwise, I'd feel dizzy. But I do not blame myself. After all, it's a natural consequence of being a woman.

A month into my intense my workout and the body aches are back. My upper back is killing me. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. The culprit? I do not cool down.

I find cooling down a waste of time. I am more likely to skip it. Unfortunately, this too, has caused my body aches. As I've said, my back is killing me. It is so difficult to do arm workouts because of these aches. Starting today, I promise to take cool downs seriously.

Cooling down helps bring the heart rate back to normal. It also plays an important role in making sure that our muscles remain in their optimal health. Above all, cooling down helps in preventing these unnecessary body aches. No wonder, cooling down is just as important as the exercise proper. :) 

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