
Good Vibes Only, Please: Mia Maison Fragrance House

11:19 AM

My Mia Maison Stash
How my room smells when I wake up determines my mood for the rest of the day. In the same manner, coming home to a pleasantly-smelling room at the end of a long day takes my stress away. 

I thank Mia Maison Fragrance House for their wonderful products that make my room smell good all day long. Like what I have said, how my room smells determines my mood for the rest of the day. Waking up to a pleasant smell emanating from my Air Purifier surely gives me Good Vibes that would last notwithstanding the long day ahead. 

I prefer Mia Maison's Water Based Oil. I put a small amount of the said oil in my Air Purifier every night, before I sleep. My personal favorite is Fresh Bamboo (Php 800+). I am, however, using Burstine Berries at the moment (Php 600+).

Water-Based Air Purifier in Burstine Berries

There are tons of fragrances to choose from. The price varies. It usually depends on the fragrance that you choose. If you are unsure which to buy, I strongly recommend their best seller, Fresh Bamboo or Peppermint, for those who love a mintier feel in their rooms. 

Be careful though. I almost made a mistake of purchasing a non-water based oil for my air purifier. A non-water based oil would destroy your device. Be sure to ask the saleslady for help. Mia Maison salesladies will help you choose the right product for your device. :) 

For those who do not have a device, you may opt for these Room Mists from Mia Maison. The fragrances are the same as that of the water-based oils. The smaller ones cost Php 100+ while the bigger ones cost Php 300+. These are easier to use as you just spray them like normal perfume. Of course, the smell does not last as long as those that you put in Air Purifiers. 

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